The Tunisian Chemical Society Coordination Chemistry Group
in collaboration with the RSC Tunisia Local Section
the Fourth Tunisian Chemical Society Conference
on Coordination Chemistry
JCC 2022
29 September to 02 October 2022, Blue Marine Hotel (former Laico) Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
Welcome to the 4th edition of the Tunisian cheical Society Conference on Coordination Chemistry, which aims to provide a forum for discussion on all aspects of coordination chemistry and to give an overview of the state of the art in this field. Young chemists are particularly encouraged to participate and will find answers to questions that stimulate their ongoing research. They will be given opportunities to meet other participants and see things from fresh perspectives.
Different subsections will focus on cutting-edge topics in coordination chemistry, including recent results that would impact our daily lives, such as the development of new ligands for drug design, catalysts for modern plastics and functional nanomaterials. The meeting will help scientists identify important applications of coordination compounds.
The conference will bring together not only coordination chemists, but also organic and analytical chemists as well as scientists with academic (biology, medicine, physics) or industrial backgrounds to share scientific knowledge in an interdisciplinary atmosphere and foster collaboration between these scientists. This will generate a significant impact on future research in coordination chemistry at the international level.
JCC 2022 will be held in one of the most beautiful coastal regions of Tunisia, the resort of Yasmine Hammamet. We hope that you will enjoy your stay in this wonderful resort and that your participation will be beneficial, fruitful and enjoyable.
We look forward to meeting you at JCC 2022.
Topics of the Conference
  Ligand Design in Organic Synthesis
  Metals in Biology, Medicine and Materials
  Metal Complexes: Structure and Reactivity
  Catalysis, Environment
  Energy and Sustainable Materials
  Computations and Theory
Important Dates
Deadline of registration
& submission of
POSTER abstracts
15 August 2022
25 August 2022
Re-extended till 30 August 2022
of contribution acceptance
30 August 2022

Deadline of fees' payment
05 September 2022
Scientific Committee
Mohamed Taïeb BEN DHIA (Chair JCC 2019)
University of Tunis El Manar, FST - Tunis

Mohamed Abderrahmane SANHOURY (Co-chair)
University of Tunis El Manar, FST - Tunis

Technical University of Munich, Germany

CNRS Toulouse - France

ISSTE - Borj Cédria

University of Tunis El Manar, FST - Tunis

University of Carthage, FSB - Bizerte

University of Tunis El Manar, FST - Tunis

University of Carthage,  IPEST - Marsa

University of Monastir, FSM - Monastir

University of Tunis El Manar, IPEIEM - Tunis
Organizing Committee
University of Tunis El Manar, FST - Tunis

University of Tunis El Manar, FST - Tunis

Mohamed Abderrahmane SANHOURY
UNA, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques,
Nouakchott, Mauritania

Mohamed Lotfi EFRIT
University of Tunis El Manar, FST - Tunis

Amine MNIF
University of Tunis El Manar, FST - Tunis

Mohamed Mouldi ABDELKAFI
University of Tunis El Manar, FST - Tunis

University of Tunis El Manar, IPEIEM - Tunis

Tunisian Chemical Society - Tunis

Mohamed Taieb BEN DHIA
University of Tunis El Manar - Tunis

University of Carthage, FSB - Bizerte

University of Monastir, FSM - Monastir

University of Sfax, FSS - Sfax

University of Gabès, ENIG - Gabès

University of Gafsa, FSG - Gafsa
Confirmed Speakers
Prof Jason LOVE
EaStCHEM School of Chemistry
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, UK
Professor, Theoretical Chemistry
University at Buffalo
State University of New York, USA
Prof Mourad AMARA
Alger, Algeria

Team Leader "Ligands, Architectures Complexes, Catalyse"
CNRS Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination
Toulouse, France
Prof Anne-Marie CAMINADE
Directeur de Recherche Classe exceptionnelle CNRS
Head of the "Dendrimers and Heterochemistry" group
Labo. de Chimie de Coordination du CNRS
Toulouse, France
Prof Isabelle MALFANT
Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination du CNRS
Toulouse, France

Prof Jean-François NIERENGARTEN
University of Strasbourg | UNISTRA
Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux Moléculaires
Strasbourg, France
Prof Valérie MARAVAL
Chef d’équipe au sein du LCC de Toulouse
CNRS - Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination
Toulouse, France
Prof Gillian REID
(President of the Royal Society of Chemistry)
School of Chemistry
University of Southampton, UK
The conference will be held at Blue Marine Hotel (former Laico)situated in Yasmine Hammamet area in the north eastern part of Tunisia. Welcoming participants, distribution of documents and check in will start on Thursday 29 September 2022 from 14.00  to 17.00 (for latecomers on Friday 30 September 2022 after first lecture). Check out will be on Sunday 02 October 2022 after lunch.

The conference will feature invited lectures (35 minutes: 30 minutes talk and 5 minutes discussion), oral communications (10 min presentation followed by a 5 min discussion) and poster sessions. The official symposium language is English without simultaneous translation.
Conference Proceedings
A digital book, in pdf format, containing all abstracts of the conference, the program and the list of participants will be produced and made available for download.

Submission of Abstracts
The conference proceedings will be produced from the documents provided by the authors without any modification. As a result, authors are requested to provide a summary on a single A4 size page in MS Word format
(no PDF please), which includes text, figures and references according to the following instructions :

• All abstracts have to be written in ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Abstracts written in other languages will be rejected.
• Superior margin of 4 cm ; left, right and bottom margin of 2.5 cm.
• Lines' spacing for the whole document 1.5
• Title (centered, Times New Roman 14, bold)
• Names of the authors (centered, Times New Roman 12) with the author's name underlined
• Institution(s) author(s) (centered, Times New Roman 10, italic)
• Text (justified, Times New Roman 12)

Posters' Presentation
• Posters should be 1.20 m high and 0.90 m wide and will be presented on vertical panels.
• Abstracts of posters will be numbered and listed in the final program.
• Different sessions will be held for poster presentations.
• Authors are requested to be in front of their posters during the official poster sessions.
Very Important

All abstracts of communications have to be written in English.
Oral and Posters' presentations must be in English also.
Don't forget to specify your abstracts as Oral or Poster
and send them please as attached files to:

[email protected]
The registration fees for JCC 2022 includes full board accommodation during 3 nights (double occupancy room) in Blue Marine Hotel in Yasmine Hammamet, including:

•   breakfasts,
•   lunches,
•   coffee breaks,
•   and diners.

Participants will also be allowed to attend all scientific sessions.
High quality 3d render of a modern keyboard with blue online registration button.  Online registration keyboard button has a text and an icon on it and it is in focus.  Horizontal  composition with copy space.
Participation Fees
From Outside Tunisia
500 €

Accompagning Person
(double room occupancy)
250 €
From Maghreb Countries
350 €

Accompagning Person
(double room occupancy)
250 €
Payment can be performed by bank transfer of the dollar/euro amount on behalf of :

Société Chimique de Tunisie
Tunisian Chemical Society

Bank Name:  Banque de Tunisie

Account number:
0500 3000 0073 0352 1009
IBAN: TN59 0500 3000 0073 0352 1009

Please email a scan of the transfer order to: [email protected]

(In some special cases there is a possibility of paying registration fees at the hotel)
The TCS is planning to incorporate a social program that includes an excursion to some touristic places for participants from outside Tunisia
From Inside Tunisia
550 TD

700 TD

Accompagning Person
(double room occupancy)
350 TD

Children 4-12 years
Staying in parent's room
200 TD
Participants with orders are required to advance the amount of their fees. This amount will be refunded after payment of the invoice by their institution.
• For academic and industrial members, an amount of 20 DT (membership 2020-2022) will be requested at the reception.
Payment Modalities:
The participation fee will be paid in TD cash or check on behalf of the Tunisian Chemical Society, or to a member of the National Bureau
Bizerte Area
Rym ABIDI - FSB Bizerte

Tunis Area
Amine MNIF - FST Tunis
Med Lotfi EFRIT - FST Tunis
Latifa LATROUS - FST Tunis

Monastir Area
Taoufik BOUBAKER - FSM Monastir
Hichem BEN JANNET - FSM Monastir

Sfax Area
Ridha BEN SALEM - FSS Sfax
Mohamed KHITOUNI - FSM Sfax
Houcine AMMAR - FSS Sfax

Gabès Area
Mehrez ROMDHANE - ENIG Gabès

Gafsa Area
Younes MOUSSAOUI - FSG Gafsa
Accommodation & Venue
The conference will be held at Blue Marine Hotel (former Laico)situated in Yasmine Hammamet area in the north eastern part of Tunisia. Welcoming participants, distribution of documents and check in will start on Thursday 29 September 2022 from 14.00  to 17.00 (for latecomers on Friday 30 September 2022 after first lecture). Check out will be on Sunday 02 October 2022 after lunch.

Hammamet in a few words

Thanks to its beaches it is a popular destination for swimming and water sports, Hammamet is one of the most popular tourism attractions in Tunisia. This town used to be a small fishing town, and was redone to bring in tourists, making it unique from most of Tunisia. It is the first tourist destination in Tunisia. It is located in the south east of the northern peninsula of Cap Bon in the Governorate of Nabeul, on the northern edge of the Gulf of Hammamet.

One of the first things that you will notice in Hammamet is that the entire town is mixed into a huge garden. Oranges, lemons and other citrus trees grow here, as well as olive groves. There is so much plant life in Hammamet that many people call it the “garden resort”.
Hammamet is an incredibly relaxing environment, with its white sandy beaches and quiet atmosphere.
The reported number of inhabitants varies from 100,000 to 300,000 and the population quadruples due to tourists' arrival in the summer.

It is particularly known for jasmine, and this is how the tourist resort of Yasmine Hammamet got its name. All over Hammamet, souvenirs made of jasmine can be found.
Discover the hotel
Sponsors & Partners
JCC 2022
Tunisian Chemical
Society Conference
on Coordination Chemistry
29 September to 02 October 2022
Blue Marine Hotel
Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
For any information, please email to:

Dr Amine MNIF [email protected]

Dr Latifa LATROUS [email protected]
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