JOURNAL of the Tunisian Chemical Society

serving the Research, the Education and the Industry

Réactivité en milieu acide de l’adduit-? 2,2-diméthoxy-3-(méthylsulfonyl)-5-nitrothiophène dans le méthanol

Written by sctunisie no comments

The rate constants for the decomposition of the 2,2-dimethoxy-3-(methylsulfonyl)-5-nitrothiophene Meisenheimer adduct-σ 2 derided from thiophene 1 have been determined in methanol at 20°C. As we will see, the reaction occurs in two distinct stages. In the first, instantaneous formation of an intermediate species 2,H+ (nitronic acid), favoured at low pH. In the second slower stage the adduct-σ 2 is gradually converted into expected thiophene 1.

A. Echaieb, T. Boubaker

Kinetic, adduct-σ, thiophene, nitronic acid

Pages 19-27

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