OCC & SEPM 2023
8th Organic Chemistry Conference
4th Science & Engineering of Polymeric Materials
10-14 May 2023, Blue marine Hotel, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
Important Dates
Registration Deadline

Extended until
31 March
Acceptance Notification

Payment Deadline

On behalf of the Tunisian Chemical Society we have the immense pleasure to invite you for attending the Duo Conference that will group jointly the Organic Chemistry Conference and the Science & Engineering of Polymeric Materials (OCC & SEPM 2023). This big event will be held from May 10-14, 2023 at the Blue Marine Hotel (former Laico) at Yasmin Hammamet in Tunisia.
Renowned speakers have already accepted to attend OCC & SEPM 2023 and the organizing committees warmly thank them for accepting to share their recent work.
This Duo Conference will be an opportunity to bring polymer and organic chemistry scientists from academic or industrial fields to present their recent work in an interdisciplinary atmosphere and to establish an interesting network. 
We would be delighted to welcome you to this event and at the same time we kindly ask you to share this information with your colleagues who may be interested in attending. This will surely make this event a success.
OCC & SEPM 2023 will take place in one of the most beautiful coastal regions of Tunisia and we do hope will be an inspiring venue for all delegates.
Looking forward to meeting you at OCC & SEPM 2023.
Mohamed Lotfi EFRIT
University of Tunis El Manar
General Secretatry of the Tunisian Chemical Society
Chairman of the OCC 2023
Hatem Ben Romdhane
University of Tunis El Manar
Faculty of Science of Tunis
Chairman of the SEPM 2023
Objectives of OCC & SEPM


Provide an opportunity for young researchers to share the results of their recent work


Encourage networking between teams to maintain a high level of fundamental and applied research


Establishment of research projects and exchange students between Tunisian and foreign groups


More exchanges
between academics
and industry
Topics of the conference
Organic Chemistry Conference
Sustainable chemistry
New reagents, catalysts, strategies and concepts for organic synthesis
Organometallic chemistry
Total synthesis and biosynthesis of natural products
Stereoselective synthesis and asymmetric catalysis
Bioorganic chemistry and chemical biology
Drug discovery and medicinal chemistry
Supramolecular chemistry
Physical and computational methods in organic chemistry
Photoredox and organic electrochemistry
Heterocyclic Chemistry
Science & Engineering of Polymeric Materials
Advances in the synthesis of polymers
Sustainable and bio-based polymer materials
Polymer materials for life science
Polymers for sensor devices
Macromolecular engineering
Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs)
Advanced membranes & porous materials
Conductive and thermoelectric polymers
Surface-confined polymerization
Surface modification of polymers
Polymer colloids and polymer-immobilized nanoparticles
(Bio)composite materials
Rheology and physical properties of polymers
3D printing with polymers
Hydrogels and soft nanocomposites
Self-healing polymers
Polymers and industry
Scientific Committee
Mohamed Lotfi EFRIT (OCC Chair) FST, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Hatem BEN ROMDHANE (SEPM Chair) FST, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Mouad ALAMI Université Pierre et Maris-Curie, Paris-Sud France
Cédric FISCHMEISTER University of Rennes 1 France
Burkhard KÖNIG Universität von Regensburg Deutschland
David MECERREYES POLYMAT University of the Basque Country España
Adel NEFZI Florida International University USA
Aitav SANYAL Bogazici University, Istambul Turkey
Steffen WEIDNER Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin Deutschland
Jean-yves WINUM Université de Montpellier France
Rym ABIDI FSB, University of Carthage Tunisia
Farhat REZGUI FST, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Ridha BEN SALEM FSS, University of Sfax Tunisia
Houcine AMMAR FSS, University of Sfax Tunisia
Hichem BEN JANNET FSM, University of Monastir Tunisia
Hatem MAJDOUB FSM, University of Monastir Tunisia
Mehrez ROMDHANE ENIG, University of Gabès Tunisia
Younes MOUSSAOUI FSG, University of Gafsa Tunisia
Organizing Committee
Mohamed Lotfi EFRIT (OCC Chair) FST, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Hatem BEN ROMDHANE (SEPM Chair) FST, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Adel MEGRICHE FST, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Latifa LATROUS IPEIEM, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Amine MNIF FST, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Latifa BERGAOUI INSAT, University of Carthage Tunisia
Nizar BELLAKHAL INSAT, University of Carthage Tunisia
Mohamed DAMMAK FSS, University of Sfax Tunisia
Béchir CHAOUACHI ENIG, University of Gabès Tunisia
Halim HAMMI CNRSM, University of Carthage Tunisia
Med Taieb BEN DHIA FST, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Imed LAAJIMI Tunisian Chemical Society Tunisia
Med Mouldi ABDELKAFI FST, University of Tunis El Manar Tunisia
Confirmed Speakers
Institut National de Recherche et d'Analyse Physico-Chimique - INRAP, Sidi Thabet, Tunisie
University of Rennes,
Institut des sciences chimiques, France
University of Rennes 1
Rennes, France
Burkhard KÖNIG
Institut für Organische Chemie
Universität von Regensburg, Deutschland
Jean-Charles MAJESTE
Ingénierie des matériaux Polymères
Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France
POLYMAT University of the Basque Country
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
Florida International University
Florida, USA
Bogazici University
Istanbul, Turkey
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Berlin, Deutschland
Jean-yves WINUM
Université de Montpellier
Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron, France
Download Area
Conference's poster
Conference's Flyer
Conference's program
Final Proceedings
The OCC & SEPM 2023 will be held at Blue Marine Hotel  (former Laico) in Yasmine Hammamet, located in the wonderful  touristic resort of Hammamet region. Welcoming participants, distribution of documents and check in will start on Wednesday 10/05/2023 from 14h30. Departure from the hotel will be on Sunday 14/05/2023 after lunch.
The program of
OCC & SEPM 2023 will include:
• Invited Lecture (35 min + 5 min discussion)
• Oral communications (15 minutes)
• Posters communications
The final program will be available online as soon as possible.
The congress book, containing all the abstracts of the lectures, oral and poster presentations, as well as the program and list of participants, will be available in free download on the OCC & SEPM 2023 website. The summaries will be layed out directly from the files received from the authors. This book will be freely available for downlowd from the download area in this website. As a result, the authors are required to provide their abstracts in digital format MS Word (.doc, no PDF please), on an A4 page according to the following instructions:
Abstracts Presentation
All abstracts have to be written in ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Abstracts written in other languages will be rejected.
Superior margin of 4 cm ; left, right and bottom margin of 2.5 cm.
Lines' spacing for the whole document 1.5
Title (centered, Times New Roman 14, bold)
Names of the authors (centered, Times New Roman 12) with the author's name underlined
Institution(s) author(s) (centered, Times New Roman 10, italic)
Text (justified, Times New Roman 12)

Posters Presentation
Posters should be 1.20 m high and 0.90 m wide. Abstracts of posters will be numbered and listed in the final program. Different sessions will be held for poster presentations. Authors are requested to be next to their posters during the official poster sessions.
Download the template
The registration fees for OCC & SEPM 2023 includes full board accommodation during
4 nights (double occupancy room) in Blue Marine Hotel (former Laico) in Yasmine Hammamet, including:
•   breakfasts,
•   lunches,
•   coffee breaks,
•   diners.
Participants will also be allowed to attend all scientific sessions (lectures, oral and posters' communications).
Participation Fees
From Outside Tunisia
400 €

Accompanying Person
(double room occupancy)
250 €
From Maghreb Countries
300 €

Accompanying Person
(double room occupancy)
250 €
Payment can be performed by bank transfer of the dollar/euro amount on behalf of :

Société Chimique de Tunisie
Tunisian Chemical Society

Bank Name:  Banque de Tunisie

Account number:
0500 3000 0073 0352 1009
IBAN: TN59 0500 3000 0073 0352 1009

Please email a scan of the transfer order to: [email protected]

(In some special cases there is a possibility of paying registration fees at the hotel)

From Inside Tunisia
580 TD

700 TD

Accompanying Person
(double room occupancy)
480 TD
Participants with orders are required to advance the amount of their fees. This amount will be refunded after payment of the invoice by their institution.
• For academic and industrial members, an amount of 20 DT (membership 2023-2024) will be requested at the reception.
Payment Modalities:
The participation fee will be paid in TD cash or check on behalf of the Tunisian Chemical Society, or to a member of the National Bureau
Bizerte Area
Rym ABIDI - FSB Bizerte

Tunis Area
Amine MNIF - FST Tunis
Med Lotfi EFRIT - FST Tunis
Latifa LATROUS - FST Tunis

Monastir Area
Hatem MAJDOUB - FSM Monastir
Hichem BEN JANNET - FSM Monastir

Sfax Area
Ridha BEN SALEM - FSS Sfax
Houcine AMMAR - FSS Sfax
Mohamed DAMMAK - FSS

Gabès Area
Mehrez ROMDHANE - ENIG Gabès

Gafsa Area
Younes MOUSSAOUI - FSG Gafsa
Flag Counter
Please, make sure you label your abstract as the sample below.

OCC_Oral_Full Name
(if Organic and Oral communication)
SEPM_Oral_Full Name
(if Polymer and Oral communication)
Accommodation & Venue
The Duo Conference OCC & SEPM 2023 will be held at Blue Marine (former Laico) situated in Yasmine Hammamet area in the north eastern part of Tunisia. Welcoming participants, distribution of documents and check in will start on Wednesday 10 May 2023 from 14.30  to 17.00 (for latecomers on Thursday 11 May 2023 after first lectures). Check out will be on Sunday 14 May 2023 after lunch.

Hammamet in a few words
Thanks to its beaches it is a popular destination for swimming and water sports, Hammamet is one of the most popular tourism attractions in Tunisia. This town used to be a small fishing town, and was redone to bring in tourists, making it unique from most of Tunisia. It is the first tourist destination in Tunisia. It is located in the south east of the northern peninsula of Cap Bon in the Governorate of Nabeul, on the northern edge of the Gulf of Hammamet.
One of the first things that you will notice in Hammamet is that the entire town is mixed into a huge garden. Oranges, lemons and other citrus trees grow here, as well as olive groves. There is so much plant life in Hammamet that many people call it the “garden resort”. Hammamet is an incredibly relaxing environment, with its white sandy beaches and quiet atmosphere.
The reported number of inhabitants varies from 100,000 to 300,000 and the population quadruples due to tourists' arrival in the summer.
It is particularly known for jasmine, and this is how the tourist resort of Yasmine Hammamet got its name. All over Hammamet, souvenirs made of jasmine can be found.
Discover the hotel
Joint Conferences
OCC & SEPM 2023
10-14 May 2023
Blue Marine Hotel (former Laico)
Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
Organic Chemistry
Science &
For any information, please email to:
Dr Amine MNIF [email protected]
Dr Latifa LATROUS [email protected]
Tunisian Chemical Society
Faculty of Science of Tunis
Universitary Campus Farhat Hached
2092 Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
Tunisian Chemical Society, OCC & SEPM 2023, Copyright © 2023. All rights rederved.