Tunisian Chemical Society

Tunisia Chemistry Conference

16-20 December 2018, Bel Azur Hotel, Hammamet, Tunisia

TCC 2018


It’s a very exciting time for the Tunisian Chemical Society to celebrate its fortieth anniversary, another milestone in TCS’s achievements which demonstrates that it has been able to maintain the coveted goals and objectives throughout this period of 40 years. Its commitment and perseverance allowed the Tunisian Chemical Society to approach one of the giants of scientific publisher - Springer - to take in charge the publication of its journal: Chemistry Africa - A Journal of the Tunisian Chemical Society.

Chemistry has grown significantly during the last two decades, and chemicals are a widespread social phenomenon. They have become significantly present in our daily life, whether for food, clothing, being, moving, etc. However, some of them are the origin of some health and environment problems. This fact does not affect their importance in society, since each product corresponds to a need. New compounds and new materials with new properties have always laid the foundation of new technologies that were limited.

It is indeed essential to work to improve the image of chemistry, sometimes altered by some special cases. The chemical industry is of great importance in the world, it has turned to new technologies, using less non-renewable resources to offer cleaner and safe products. It is also a source of innovation in most technologies, including health, communications, energy savings and the fight against climate change.

Here comes the role of research and researchers by designing and developing new molecules and new products or by improving existing ones; hence the importance of holding conferences to allow to those researchers to present their latest and most innovative work in various fields of chemistry.

For other important objectives, we can mention:

• encourage linking researchers and laboratories to maintain a high level of basic and applied research,

• provide an opportunity for young researchers to express, discuss and present the results of their research,

• help build relationships within the community of Tunisians and foreigners chemists.

• Building bridges between the mid academics and industrials

Tunisia Chemistry Conference - TCC2018 - is open to young chemists, physicists and technologists who will be offered opportunities for oral and poster contributions. So, we strongly encourage your participation in this conference. Renowned Invited Guests will deliver lectures on hot topics, whilst specific themed sessions will be organized to bring focus attention on the latest developments in different fields and topics of chemistry. Finally, we welcome industrials and Scientific Equipments Exponents to participate and share knowledge in different chemistry technologies.

We look forward to meeting you at TCC 2018 in Hammamet.



Chairman of TCC2018

President of the Tunisian Chemical Society


Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar

Confirmed Speakers

Topics of the TCC 2018

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

• Organic Chemistry

• Inorganic Chemistry

• Physical Chemistry

• Analytical Chemistry

• Environment and Green Chemistry

• Water, Marine and Air Pollution

• Industrial and Applied Chemistry

• Renewable Energy and Fuels

• Medicinal Chemistry and Bio Chemistry

• Nanotechnology and Materials Sciences

• Catalysis and Polymer Science

Conference's Kiosk

Important Dates

Deadline Extended until

Acceptance Notification by

15 October 2018

27 October 2018

Deadline of fees Paiement

10 November 2018

Sponsors & Partners

Website of the

Turkish Chemists Society

The new Journal of the

Tunisian Chemical Society

Flag Counter

Together, we'll make it better !

Tunisian Chemical Society

Campus Universitaire Farhat Hachad

Faculté des Sciences de Tunis

Département de Chimie

Copyright 2018 - Powered by Tunisian Chemical Society - © All rights reserved


TCC 2018

Tunisia Chemistry Conference

16-20 December 2018 - Bel Azur Hotel, Hammamet, Tunisia

Tel: + 216 71 872 600

Fax: + 216 71 883 424

email: contact @sctunisie.org