Tunisian Chemical Society

Tunisia Chemistry Conference

16-20 December 2018, Bel Azur Hotel, Hammamet, Tunisia

TCC 2018



Group Leader

Cambridge Isotope Laboratories

Andover, USA



Senior Scientist at CNRS

CRMD-CNRS-University of Orleans

Orleans, France


Mohamed M. CHEHIMI

Executive Editor-in-Chief

of Chemistry Africa

ICMPE - CNRS, Thiais, France


Noureddine JOUINI

Université Paris 13 Nord

Paris 13 Nord · Galilee Institute

Villetaneuse, France

Education: PhD Inorganic Chemistry and material science, University Nantes, France, 1984

Title: University Professor Class Exp.2

Professional address: LSPM-CNRS-UPR 3407, Institut Galilée, 99 av. J. B. Clément, 93430 Villetaneuse, France

Teaching subjects: Inorganic chemistry, Crystallography, material durability and corrosion, pollution, chemical hazard

Collective responsibility within Paris University 13: Sustainable development project manager, Scientific Integrity Referent

Research Interests: Ternary system A-B-I: phase diagram and characterisation, ternary system (A2O – M2O5 – M’2O5 (A = alcalin or pseudo alcalin, M = Sb, Nb, Ta, M’ = P, As): structure and conductivity, nanomaterials (oxides, layered double hydroxide, metal): elaboration by chimie douce routes, Nanostructured materials (metal, ceramic, oxides).

Current Research Projects:

- Lead free material for power module

- Bulk nanostructured materials: elaboration by bottom-up strategy combining chimie douce and non-conventional consolidation methods (Spark Plasma sintering)

Magnetic nanoparticles: morphology and size control

Professional Activities: Editorial Board, Metals; Reviewer for various scientific journals, member of CNU section 33.


Senior Editor

Earth Sciences & MENA Program

Springer, Heidelberg, Germany



Equipe CROPS-Responsable

"Ingénierie de Peptides Thérapeutiques"

Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France



Florida State University

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Hedi Mattoussi is a Distinguished Research Professor at the Florida State University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Prior to joining FSU in 2009, he spent 12 years working as a senior Research Scientist at the US Naval Research Laboratory (Washington, DC). He earned a Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics in 1987 and a Habilitation to direct Research in Materials Physics in 1994, both from the University of Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris VI). He presently focuses on the development of inorganic nanoparticles and clusters and interfacing them with biological receptors.



Director of Chemistry

Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies

Village Parkway, Port Saint Lucie, Florida, USA




Claude Bernard University

Lyon 1, France

Dr Anis Tlili is CNRS Research Fellow. After gaining a master’s thesis with Pr. S. Jugé (Dijon), he completed his PhD in the group of Dr. M. Taillefer. (Montpellier, France) in the late 2011. Subsequently, he joined the group of Pr. M. Beller (LIKAT, Rostock, Germany) for postdoctoral stay. Anis undertook a second collaborative postdoctoral position (Commissariat de l’énergie atomique/ICSN, Paris). In 2014 he accepted a CNRS position. His current research interests lie in the area of homogeneous catalysis/photocatalysis with particular focus on fluorine chemistry. Anis is author of more than 50 publications and patents and has been selected in 2018 to take part in the young investigator workshop of raising star in chemistry, Oxford (UK).


Chemical Abstracts Service representative for academic and commercial in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia

Dr. Philippe Kamalaprija is the Chemical Abstracts Service representative for academic and commercial in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

He holds a PhD degree in Organic Chemistry from the University of Geneva. His research was focused on determination of organic structures by NMR. Dr. Philippe Kamalaprija joined CAS in 2011. He has a high computer literacy and a deep knowledge in IT, which allows him to be a high level user of the tools that are used in his activities. He is also certified in Project Management, IT governance and Services Management.


Tunisian Chemical Society

Campus Universitaire Farhat Hachad

Faculté des Sciences de Tunis

Département de Chimie

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TCC 2018

Tunisia Chemistry Conference

16-20 December 2018 - Bel Azur Hotel, Hammamet, Tunisia

Tel: + 216 71 872 600

Fax: + 216 71 883 424

email: contact @sctunisie.org